Responsible Unit: University Police
Effective: June 1, 2016
Revision History: September 10, 1998
Review Date: TBD.
Section 1: Purpose and Scope
1.1 West Virginia University is committed to preventing workplace violence and maintaining a safe work environment. In order to provide a safe and healthful work environment for its employees, customers, students, and visitors, the University expects employees to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interest and safety of all employees of the University.
1.2 This policy applies to all University employees, students, and visitors, including those on the regional campuses.
Section 2: Policy
2.1 Violent conduct, actions, or behavior directed to other University employees, customers, students, members of the public or University property that occurs during the course of an employee’s duties or on the basis of work-related issues during off-duty hours is prohibited. This includes actions, both verbal and physical, that threatens, harasses, coerces, or inflicts harm.
2.2 All University employees should be treated with courtesy and respect at all times. Employees are expected to refrain from fighting, horseplay, or other conduct that may be dangerous to others.
2.3 All University employees should immediately report any incidents of potentially threatening, harmful or criminal behavior of employees, customers, or visitors that may affect the safety or security of other University employees or property to their immediate supervisor or other supervisory personnel as appropriate. Suspicious individuals or activities should also be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor. In emergency situations, the University Police should be contacted at 9-911 or 293-2677 (COPS).
Section 3: Procedure
3.1 Procedure development rests with the University Police and can be found at:
Section 4: Responsibility for Implementation
4.1 The responsibility for implementation of this policy rests with faculty, staff, students, and all individuals associated with the University. Additional information or questions regarding this policy can be obtained by contacting the Employee Relations Unit in the Department of Human Resources at 293-4808 or the University Police at 293-2677. Questions regarding disciplinary action should be directed to the Employee Relations Unit in the Department of Human Resources at 293-4808.
Section 5: Responsibility for Interpretation
5.1 The responsibility for interpretation of this policy rests with the Chief of Police at West Virginia University.