Responsible Unit: University Police
Effective: June 1, 2016
Revision History: September 10, 1998
Review Date: TBD.
Section 1: Purpose and Scope
1.1 The purpose of this policy is to impose the prohibition of and penalty for the possession or storage of deadly weapons, destructive devices, or fireworks in any form on the West Virginia University campus or any University-leased facilities.
1.2 This policy applies to all University faculty, staff, students, and visitors, including those on the regional campuses. It shall also apply to private vehicles parked or operated on University owned or leased property which openly displays firearms. West Virginia University’s Chief of Police may grant exceptions to this policy in writing for the convenience of the University in achieving its mission.
1.3 The provisions of this policy shall not apply to the following persons, while acting in their official capacity: Law enforcement officers or law enforcement officials; West Virginia Department of Corrections employees; Members of the armed forces of the United States or the militia of West Virginia; Any circuit judge, prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, or investigator duly appointed by a prosecuting attorney; and Individuals required to possess the items prohibited by this policy in order to participate in undertakings sanctioned by West Virginia University which include academic/research programs, historical items, and the farm management programs which are approved by the Department of Natural Resources.
Section 2: Policy
2.1 Possession or storage of a deadly weapon, destructive device, or fireworks in any form (as defined by West Virginia State Code) is prohibited on the West Virginia University campus in University-leased facilities and in University vehicles.
2.2 Any University faculty member, staff member, or student who has been found in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action for misconduct which may include termination or expulsion as well as criminal prosecution. Individuals not affiliated with the University shall be subject to criminal prosecution.
Section 3: Procedure
3.1 Procedure development rests with the University Police Department as prescribed in applicable WV State Code.
Section 4: Responsibility for Implementation
4.1 The responsibility for implementation of this policy rests with the University Police Department. The University Police Department is available to answer questions or provide additional information regarding this policy at 293-2677.
Section 5: Responsibility for Interpretation
5.1 The responsibility for interpretation of this policy rests with the Chief of Police at West Virginia University.