If you have an emergency or need to report any crime, please call 911. Crimes are considered time-sensitive matters and should always be reported to UPD immediately at 304-293-3136.
For non-urgent inquiries, reach out to our office via phone, email or the general contact form.
Have a suggestion, commendation or complaint? Please submit your feedback.
At the Station
University Police Building992 Elmer Prince Drive
P.O. Box 6563
Morgantown, WV 26506-6563
At the Mountainlair Satellite Office
First Floor of the Mountainlair (Next to PNC)1550 University Avenue
Morgantown, WV 26506-6563
By Phone
OfficePhone: 304-293-2677 | Fax: 304-293-2589 Emergency (24/7)
Phone: 304-293-3136 | Fax: 304-293-9321